Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Steps, steps and more steps

Today we left Oxford in the rain so spent the best £5 ever on a cab to the station it didn't look far on Google but it was! Slight drama fitting our bags onto the luggage rack then couldn't get seats so had to sit in quiet carriage not sure Maree can do quiet. Arrived in London to a lovely day, were helped by a lively man to reload our Oyster cards then onto the tube. Due to not wanting to carry our bags down steps we took the long way round the circle line to our local station where we encountered our first steps. Found the Harrington and checked in our apartment is roomy and nice and already looks a slight tip. We then headed to St Paul's where we again got slightly way laid actually looking at the cathedral.  Firstly we went up 257 steps to the whispering gallery then a further 271 to the outside viewing decks they were narrow and steep stairs but the views were amazing. We then headed for a cup of tea in the crypt cafe and wandered around the crypt with a detour to the gift shop. By this time it was 4.30 and we had yet to look at the actual main floor and evensong was due to start so we stayed for that - was an extended service as 4 people were being  commissioned into the college of canons. This meant a slightly stressful trip to the tower for our adult education evening on death which was very interesting, we got to walk around parts of the tower at 9 at night yippee! A great first day, tomorrow we hope to see Lizzie Siddal's grave.

1 comment:

  1. Very jealous about being at tower at night. Perhaps we will need to revisit St. Paul's.
